Tuesday, 23 October 2012

AC 4.3 develop an agreed individal learning plan with tutor

AC 4.3 develop an agreed individal learning plan with tutor

AC 2.4 describe the appeals procedure

AC 2.4 describe the appeals procedure.



AC 5.2 explain the procedures to follow in case of fire and accident

AC 5.2 explain the procedures to follow in case of fire and accident

In case of a fire you need to leave through the nearest fire exit.
do not panic or run.
Go to designated assembly point and do not go back inside the building until you are told it is safe by a member of staff

I got this information off the learners handbook.

AC 5.1 describe the health and safety regulations within the college

AC 5.1 describe the health and safety regulations within the college

These are some of the health and safety regulations fron the learners handbook

Observe all instructions, whether written or verbal, given to ensure personal safety
and the safety of others

Conduct themselves at all times in an orderly manner and refrain from any form of

Use all safety equipment and/or protective clothing as instructed, reporting any loss
or defect to their lecturer

Not to interfere or misuse any equipment provided for health and safety purposes
Report all hazards to their lecturer

Report all accidents to their lecturer, whether injury is sustained or not

Be familiar with the emergency evacuation procedure, and the location of fire alarm
points and emergency equipment

Place all used paper in one of the blue paper recycling bins

AC 4.2 identify target grades

AC 4.2 identify target grades

my target grade for this course would be to get merits but if I got passes, I would also be happy.

AC 4.1 assess own study skills and decide how to use these to improve own performance

AC 4.1 assess own study skills and decide how to use these to improve own performance.

when I am studying i cannot get all the information which is needed if I just read it helps if I do it as well this helps me remember more of what it is or what i have to do.

AC 3.3 explain the role of the personal tutor in terms of providing academic pastoral surpport

AC 3.3 explain the role of the personal tutor in terms of providing academic pastoral surpport

The personal tutor is there to help you with your work when you are having difficulty doing or completing, having trouble attending or even personal issues.

AC 3.2 analyse the sources of learning surpport available

AC 3.2 analyse the sources of learning surpport available:

EMA this is to help you if you cannot go to college because of money problems.

ALG this alot like EMA but this is for over 18s witch are getting less than 18 thosand a year

Learner Support Fund:
This fund can help in cases of financial hardship and assist childcare costs, disability transport costs.
To be eligible for this grant, the household income must be £20,000 or less and the learner must complete an application form and meet further college criterion which is available on request. The Learner Support Fund is managed by the college and application forms are available from Student Services at your campus.(from moodle). 


AC 3.1 summarise surpport services available to learners

AC 3.1 summarise surpport services available to learners.

the help learners get is free bus passes, EMA, ALG these are to help make it easier to go into further education and improve your skills

AC 2.3 explain the methods of recording progress for the programme

AC 2.3 explain the methods of recording progress for the programme.

the method that is used for recording progress on the programme is through the dipity website this allows you to create a timelime.

AC 2.2 analyse different methods of assessment used on the programme and describe three forms of evidence required

AC 2.2 analyse different methods of assessment used on the programme and describe three forms of evidence required.


Work will be internally verified
by another tutor to make sure the
assessment decisions are correct.
An external verifier will then sample
the work before certification is
You should aim to do your
computer based work in class and
NOT at home. It is imperative that
you understand that if tutors cannot
verify that the work you handed in is
actually yours then the work
CANNOT be awarded a pass grade.(course hanbook)
this is so we get the best grades we can and also make sure we can actually get a grade.

Monday, 22 October 2012

AC 2.1 describe the level, structure,content, of his/her programme of study

I am studying a level 3 course in multi-media this involves me doing work in video making, websites and 3D desgin

Thursday, 4 October 2012

AC 1.2 justifty core values and agree boundaires and expectations with the group.

Ac 1.2 justify core values and agree boundaries and expectations with the group.

the core values are there to ensure a good learning enviroment so that people can get on with their work and also fully understand what they have to do. students are expected to not distureb others and create a good work enviroment.

rules of area 51:

Chairs should always be left neat and tidy at the desks
Any misuse of the facilities MUST be reported to the Programme Leader.
Students are not permitted to alter ANY settings or modify the working set up of any computer.
Students may not install or de-install software or alter any hardware.
No smoking, eating or drinking in Area51 at any time. Food and drink is NOT allowed in Area51
Mobile phones are strictly forbidden during class except where utilised for class-work.
NO first year or first diploma students are permitted to wear headphones in area51. Second years and HE students may be exempt only at the discretion of the Programme Leader.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

AC 1.1 summarise the college core values (ETHOS)


Excellence in teaching & learning 
Teaching and learning is Coleg 
Gwent’s priority.   Everyone has a role in 
contributing to the achievement of 
Trust, honesty & respect for 
Coleg Gwent believes that all you do 
with others should be based on trust, 
honesty and respect 
Higher achievement through 
innovation and collaboration 
initiatives and ideas that will lead to high 
Opportunity and choice 
Coleg Gwent believes that everyone 
has the ability and the right to grow and 
develop.  Everyone should be 
encouraged to make informed choices 
Shared responsibility for success 
Everyone should contribute to, 
participate in and benefit from Coleg 
Gwent’s success